Thursday, October 21, 2010

#2 Greek Mythology Archetype

1. Gatsby represents a Biblical story because he starts out poor and then becomes very wealthy. This is an example of the David and Goliath story which is overcoming overwhelming odds. no page number (generalization)

2. Tom doesn't like being patronized, therefore he is a representative of Achilles, who doesn't like to have a weak side but it's still there. pg. 105

3. Gatsby represents the Goddess Penelope because he is determined to stay faithful and to keep hope with Daisy. pg. 92

4. Gatsby also represents the Goddess Cassandra because even when Nick told him that you can't recreate the past, Gatsby still tried and didn't want to believe it. pg. 110

5. Tom is also an example of Cassandra because he didn't want to believe that Daisy could be in love with someone else (Gatsby). pg. 132

6. Mr. Wilson takes the role of Madea when he murders Gatsby for the killing of his wife. pg. 162

7. Daisy represents the Greek Goddess, Venus, who is the Goddess of Love and Beauty, because she lures men, like Gatsby, into falling in love with her. pg. 89

8. Gatsby represents Pluto (Hades) because he's the God of Wealth and he was not a welcome visitor in the eyes of Tom. no page number (generalization)

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